Training Schedule: Week of July 14

45 minutes Circuit training, then 10 min. of stretching on MON & WEDS went well. TUESDAY track training: 3 lap warm-up; drills - toe walking, heel walking, lunges, butt kicks, high knees. Then 1 mile at marathon pace (I did 12:30 roughly), 2 laps slightly faster, 1 lap faster still. Then a few more laps. I'm getting the pacing down and ran all of Tuesday without intervals - track is the night go for it! Keep in mind I'm still going for a 6 to 6.5 hour marathon. Ended with stretching (plank, side plank, etc.) Used a foam roller for the first time on my IT band! On THURSDAY'S 6am buddy run, I ran 5 miles at a 3:2 pace with mentor Jen. We started picking up the pace at the end - proof the walking aids recovery. For SATURDAY's "ON-YOUR-OWN" run, went back to senic Sawyer Camp and ran 8 miles at 3:2 with mentor Jen again and saw a few bunnies and deer. It felt good, although my calf and achilles are getting tight.

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