5K Time Trial

WOOT WOOT!! This week's track night was the infamous 5K time trial. The moment of truth when the run team runs 12 laps to determine the waves we'll be placed in for the season. What would my time be? Would it be an improvement from the summer time trial? Will I run intervals or straight through? As much as I loved running with Wave 1 over the summer - I really did, we had lots of fun, and I met by running BFFs - I wonder if I will move up in the waves?

I conservatively pushed myself and did not take any walk breaks and I shaved NINE MINUTES (9 and remember I am J9) off my time. During the summer I ran a 5K in 42:09 and this time I ran it in 33:07. This is huge people - HUGE I tell you. When input into a pace chart, my marathon time would be 5hrs 23 minutes. That's an HOUR off my Nike Marathon time! Also consider that I have 2 and a half months of training left, will more time be shaved? You betcha. Now I'm waiting for the email from Coach Kris indicating my wave. Stay tuned...

AND YES! I have progressed from Wave 1 to Wave 3! (six waves total).


Jen said...

Now you need to actually run with wave 3 ;)

J9 said...

Ya, I'm a little bit chicken. But...I'll be doing track with wave 3!