Back on Track!

FINALLY, I am back into the training routine:
  • Mon/Weds - circuit training and stretching for 60-75min.

  • Tues - Track (Kris hammered the circuit into us with drills focusing on core and leg strengthening)

  • Thur - 6am Buddy Run - 4-6 miles

  • Sun/Fri - recovery/rest

  • Sat - long run (today's along the MIGHTY Guadalupe River Trail)

Last season, my marathon training goal was to train to endure a marathon from start to finish. This season, I'm training to shave off time. However, at this point in the season, my big focus is to support new participants. Some of the participants are new to running and/or are training for a half marathon. I remember how IMPORTANT it was to get mentor support during these early stages, so I want to give back and do the same for others. It's so easy to get down on yourself for not keeping up with the person passing you, or because you can't do the plank for more than 5 seconds. It can be hard to convince yourself that patience, is indeed a virtue. Strength and endurance will come as long as you keep up with the training.

So, in order for me to get my mileage in while help people out, I've been running some pre-run runs. During this time, I'm running faster and with a longer run interval (4:1 or 5:1). We'll see how it pays of when I run the 10K Turkey-Trot on Thanksgiving Day - I'm aiming for a consistant pace and speed in this one. We'll see what happens!

1 comment:

Jen said...

We're going to kill our time!!