Bad Day, Good Run?

Saturday was definately a bad day, but overall it was a good run. I've sequenced the details below...
  1. Hot morning
  2. Dehydrated before the start
  3. Running with Jen kept things in perspective
  4. Started out WAY too fast
  5. Goose-bumps at 2 miles
  6. Increased walk interval (good: identified issue and made adjustments to plan /bad: the fact that there was an issue)
  7. Figured out Nathan Bladder (so long fuel belt)
  8. Consistantly walked last two miles
  9. Hydration levels were NEVER maintained
  10. Logged my goal of six miles (mileage is mileage -- run, walk, or crawl)
  11. FANTASTIC post-run potluck for Honoree Week (kudos to Amy's breakfast burritos)
  12. Spent rest of weekend sucking down fluids

So now what? I must get back into the routine of consistantly staying hydrated on a DAILY basis AND get back into a cardio routine on my cross-training days (M/W). AND...remind myself, that it's better to be learning from my stupid mistakes early in the season. Nope, this won't be happening again.


Jen said...

I know you were disappointed in yourself, but the fact that you soldiered on shows you're kick-ass and not one to be messed with!

FullQuieting said...

Good stuff, J9. Better to end fast than to start fast! ;)